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Best Mobile Messaging Platforms 2024

February 16, 2024
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Choosing The Best Mobile Messaging Platforms

Today, businesses have multiple options for delivering effective messaging to their customers. Commercial messaging platforms have grown from SMS to include WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram, RCS, and others. A messaging platform is a software application or service enabling users to send and receive messages online or through a cellular networkChoosing the right messaging platform isn’t as simple as just picking one.

Businesses should define the type of message they plan on sending, and then choose a platform that best supports their needs using effective messaging delivery. We’ll walk you through some of the different platforms and highlight the advantages and disadvantages that they offer.

SMS Messaging Delivery

The original messaging platform, SMS is ideal for short text messages. There are several reasons you might use SMS as your messaging platform. Every mobile phone has an SMS application. As long as there is telephone service, SMS messages are capable of reaching their destination.

This makes it ideal for anyone sending one time passwords (OTP) messages, as well as for reaching out in an emergency situation. When electricity is down and the Internet is down, it’s comforting to know that your messages will get through.

SMS is also ideal for reaching large blocks of people. Since it is on every mobile phone, you can be sure that your customers will receive your message.

SMS can include links, and MessageWhiz supports 2-way SMS, so your recipients can respond to your message when enabled. 2-way conversations on SMS are particularly effective when a chatbot which can respond 24/7, is employed via the 2-way messaging dashboard. This ensures effective messaging delivery and immediate interaction.

However, SMS does not support like buttons, images, or video files. While those can be sent out over MMS, it’s less than ideal and is high cost.

RCS Messaging Delivery

Rich communication services (RCS) are more advanced than SMS messaging. In addition to text, RCS allows you to share media elements, such as images and video. It also supports links, location sharing, calendar events, and a list of suggested replies. When sharing multiple images, RCS supports carousels, so recipients can scroll through multiple images. It also has selection buttons so users can respond to prompts with one click such as “Pay Now”, “Reserve”, Confirm Pickup”, etc. Leveraging RCS is crucial for effective messaging delivery with rich media.

RCS is intended to be the default messaging app on smart phones replacing SMS as the standard app, although SMS will still be available on non- smartphones.  Google, the main proponent of RCS has been collaborating with mobile carriers to implement RCS and it will be available on all new Android phones within the next few years. At the moment, Apple iPhones do not support RCS. Businesses looking to reach customers with an iPhone, should be aware of this issue and send messaging to those customers on one of the other channels supported by MessageWhiz.

WhatsApp for Business Messaging

With over 3 billion users and an app available for nearly every phone, WhatsApp is one of the most popular business chat apps. Rather than messages, WhatsApp exchanges are viewed as conversations, and billing is typically based on exchanges within a 24-hour period.

WhatsApp supports media such as images, videos, audio files, and documents. Users can share locations and contact information. Additionally, WhatsApp protects user accounts with two-factor authentication.

WhatsApp also supports chatbots, making it easy to provide basic customer support through the app. WhatsApp support of bulk messaging is limited. Businesses are limited to 800 recipients per day and 256 contacts at a time.

WhatsApp is effective for businesses trying to develop one-to-one relationships with the customers. They can use the platform to answer questions, share products, and generate sales.

Viber for Business Messaging

Viber is a highly popular messaging application in Europe and the Middle East. It’s used in over 190 countries, and has over 1B users.

Like WhatsApp, Viber supports sharing images, videos, and files. It also supports automated messages, such as account activation confirmations.

The messaging platform supports business group chats, and makes it easy and effective to track message deliveries.

Telegram for Business Messaging

With 800 million active monthly users, Telegram’s user base is quite large. It’s end-to-end encryption and self-destructing messaging have made it quite popular, especially in Asia and Europe.

Telegram offers selection buttons and supports sharing images, videos, and files. Businesses can create channels for large groups of users, and set up auto replies for FAQs. Large discussion groups are especially popular on Telegram as it does not limit the amount of users on community boards of this kind. For businesses focused on security and broad reach, Telegram provides effective messaging delivery with robust features.

WeChat for Business Messaging

WeChat is a versatile messaging program popular in China. It enables text, photos, videos, and voice messages, as well as payment and social media features. For businesses targeting the Chinese market, WeChat is essential for effective messaging delivery. Its comprehensive ecosystem enables direct communication with consumers and facilitates transactions within the app.

iMessage for Business Messaging

Apple’s messaging platform, iMessage, is seamlessly integrated into all of its devices. It supports text, photos, videos, and documents and offers end-to-end encryption to ensure secure communication. iMessage enables businesses to send rich media communications while leveraging Apple’s massive user base.

iMessage also includes interactive elements like stickers, replies, and Apple Pay integration for transactions. For businesses targeting Apple consumers, iMessage provides a reliable platform for messaging delivery. However, it’s worth noting that iMessage is only available on Apple smartphones, which may limit its reach to non-Apple customers.

Trends in Messaging Platforms Beyond 2024

The growing use of AI to automate customer service is an important trend. AI-powered chatbots can handle routine requests, provide rapid responses, and increase customer satisfaction. In addition, more messaging platforms enable multimedia communications, such as photographs, videos, and interactive content. Rich media can make messages more engaging and effective. As platforms enhance multimedia capabilities, businesses can deliver more dynamic and compelling content, ensuring effective messaging delivery.

Platforms are increasingly integrating with social networks, enabling seamless communication across several channels. This connection can help you increase your reach and engagement by combining the benefits of messaging platforms and social media. There is more emphasis on end-to-end encryption and data privacy. As cyber threats grow, platforms improve their security mechanisms to protect user data.

Choosing the right mobile messaging platform and utilizing effective messaging delivery strategies is essential for businesses to communicate effectively with their audience. By understanding the unique features and benefits of each platform, businesses can ensure their messages are delivered efficiently and effectively, leading to better engagement and outcomes.

Talk to our experts to find the chat channel that’s right for you

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Text MessagesYesYesYesYesYes
Bulk messagesYesYesUp to 800 people per dayYesYes
ImagesYes, through MMSYesYesYesYes
FilesNo1.5GB2GB200 MBUp to 2 GB