Business SMS Case Studies

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Online Gaming
Bringing Players Back to the Game
This case study shows how a gaming company used messaging to get players back when they published a sequel title to one of their popular games. The messaging campaign used SMS and WhatsApp, and included video, links, and other promotional content. After A/B testing, the campaign was sent to over 14,000 players. The campaign messages enjoyed a 97% open rate, and 43% of players clicked at least one link during the campaign.
Using RCS to Save Abandoned Shopping Carts
This case study explores how MessageWhiz leveraged Rich Communication Services (RCS) to address the issue of shopping cart abandonment for online retailers. By utilizing RCS's advanced messaging capabilities, including multimedia support and interactive elements, MessageWhiz was able to create more engaging and personalized communication with customers who had abandoned their shopping carts. This approach led to a significant reduction in cart abandonment rates and increased conversion rates, showcasing the effectiveness of RCS in enhancing customer engagement and driving sales.
Real Estate
This case study illustrates how Klodovik effectively leveraged innovative strategies to enhance their operational efficiency and market presence. By implementing advanced technologies and refining their business processes, Klodovik was able to achieve significant improvements in performance metrics and customer satisfaction. This transformation was marked by increased productivity, streamlined workflows, and a stronger competitive position in the industry. The detailed analysis showcases Klodovik's journey from facing operational challenges to becoming a benchmark for success through strategic innovation and continuous improvement.
Fully Engaging Vacationing Guests
A high-end home hospitality management company managing over thirty luxury apartments in the US and London sought to enhance guest satisfaction and upsell additional services. MessageWhiz proposed an SMS solution featuring a 24/7 automated virtual concierge using two-way SMS functionality and chatbots for standard requests, with human intervention for complex inquiries. The solution also included automated upsell messages for localized services and post-vacation prompts for five-star reviews. The implementation freed staff from routine queries, increased upsell sales through A/B testing, and improved online reviews and customer satisfaction by addressing guest feedback proactively.
Appointment Booking
House of Beauty
House of Beauty faced challenges with their existing SMS messaging service, which couldn't integrate with their systems and was inflexible on pricing. MMDSmart provided a solution with an SMS API tool that integrated with House of Beauty's CRM and appointment systems, enabling automated and personalized messaging. They also offered the Appointment Hour Booking solution, supported by a dedicated account manager who customized the integration and pricing. This resulted in a 98% appointment attendance rate and a 30% reduction in messaging costs.

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