If you’re a relator or just flip houses you may not realize that text messaging marketing software is an ideal tool when trying to sell houses, connect with buyers, and promote open houses.
Build a List of Buyers
Selling houses is a numbers game. The more showings, the more likely it is that you’ll close that sale. However, building your buyers list can be complicated.
Using SMS keywords is one great tool for building your database of interested buyers. When you advertise your services, add a call to action telling interested buyers to text you the neighborhood they’re interested in.
That neighborhood functions as a keyword, allowing you to build your database of interested buyers. When you have a house on the market, send messages to everyone interested in that neighborhood. Be sure to include a link to pictures of the house (or pictures if you want to send an MMS) in your text, and data about the house so only interested buyers respond to your message.
Keep Your Open House Top of Mind
Open houses are important, but far too often your best customers forget about them. To counter that and keep the open house in front of them, create a series of automated messages.
For example, if you have an open house on a Saturday, schedule some automated text messages to go out over the week. On Monday you might send a notice telling everyone to save the date for the open house. You could schedule a reminder for Friday morning, and then send a final text message on Saturday letting everyone know that the open house is in progress.
Some potential clients may prefer a more detailed walk through. Set up a chatbot or send a scheduler link to arrange private showings that are convenient your more interested buyers.
Power of SMS
One of the biggest advantages of using SMS is the information doesn’t get lost. Your customers can easily find addresses or other information about the listing through the message that you sent.
To learn more about how our optimized SMS marketing software can help realtors, reach out to our customer support team, and start selling those houses.