COVID-19 has shuttered businesses in nearly every corner of the globe. Government-mandated closures coupled with fears of germs have pushed consumers to move their shopping online. Leading the boom are grocery sales, but many consumers are purchasing home gym equipment, over-the-counter drugs and puzzles and games for children.
Businesses are taking a few different approaches with these online orders. Some are offering contactless curbside pickup, while others are delivering directly to front doors. Both of these delivery methods are using SMS and other messaging applications to ensure frictionless deliveries.
Curbside Pickup
Preferred by many businesses because it doesn’t require delivering to consumer’s homes, these businesses accept orders through websites or chatbots. Once the order is fulfilled, the consumer receives a text message directing them to come to the store for pickup.
Upon arrival, the consumer texts the store to let them know they are in front of the store. The text message includes their car model and color, and may include a license plate. Employees bring the merchandise to the car and put it into the consumer’s trunk or back of their car.
Home Delivery
While many people do find themselves either working from home or waiting for their positions to be reinstated, they are not comfortable opening the door to delivery people. This is creating delivery challenges, as delivery servicepeople are uncomfortable just leaving a package at the door.
Additionally, individuals living in apartment buildings do have trouble getting their packages delivered. While they prefer to have their parcels left at their own front door, communicating directions to delivery people can be complicated.
Using text messaging, however, can alleviate those challenges. Prior to delivery, dispatchers can send messages alerting recipients of upcoming deliveries. The recipients can respond with detailed instructions, describing where the package should be placed upon delivery. Once the package is in place, the delivery person can send a confirmation message with a picture, showing that the package has been delivered.
The Changing Face of Delivery
While global delivery companies have been using text messaging and online tracking as part of their process for some time, today’s local food and grocery delivery services are still developing processes
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